MySavings account
Maximise your savings
Help reach your savings goals with our MySavings account. You'll enjoy the freedom of no minimum balance, no monthly deposit requirements, and no account-keeping or online transaction fees.
All the good stuff
Competitive interest rate tiers
Tier 1
$0 to $300,000
Tier 2
$300,000.01 to $2,000,000
Tier 3
Greater than $2,000,000
How to open a MySavings account
New customers
1. Open an account
If you’re a new customer, you can open an account online
2. Set up your login details
We’ll send you a text message with a one-time password, and an email with your user ID.
Use these details to log in to
Internet Banking
or the Heartland Bank Australia app and set your password.
3. Start saving
Transfer funds into your new account and watch your savings grow!
Existing deposit customers
1. Open an account
Simply log in to
Internet Banking
or the Heartland Bank Australia app and open an account in just a few clicks.
2. Start saving
Transfer funds into your new account and watch your savings grow!
Existing Reverse Mortgage customers
1. Open an account
If you have a reverse mortgage with us, you can open a MySavings account online
and select ‘new customer’.
2. Set up your login details
Your MySavings account is managed through a separate
Internet Banking
platform and mobile app that is optimised for savings accounts and term deposits.
This means you'll receive a new login that is independent of your reverse mortgage login.
Once your MySavings account is open, we'll send you a text message with a one-time password and an
email with your user ID. Use these details to log in to the new
Internet Banking
platform or download the Heartland Bank Australia app and update your password.
3. Start saving
Transfer funds into your new account and watch your savings grow!

Download the Heartland Bank Australia app today
Questions? We have answers
Who is eligible to open a MySavings account?
- be 14 years or older
- have an Australian mobile number and a valid email address
- have an Australian residential address, and
- be solely an Australian resident for taxation purposes.
Do you offer same day payments?
The cut-off time for payments made to an account held at another Australian bank or to a registered biller via BPAY is 5.00pm AEST/AEDT. Provided you meet the cut-off time, the payment will generally be received within two business days.
Can I increase my daily payment limit?
For all other payments your default limit will automatically be set to $5,000. If you need to increase this limit, you can do so up to $20,000 through Internet Banking or the Heartland Bank Australia app.
To make payments over $20,000 you'll need to complete an external funds transfer form.
How is interest calculated?
Your daily balance determines which interest rate tier applies. If your balance moves to a different tier, the applicable interest rate will apply to your entire balance for that day - not just the portion within that tier.
For example, if your total balance is $250,000 you'll earn tier 1 interest on the entire balance for that day. If you deposit a further $60,000, your total balance will be $310,000 and you'll earn tier 2 interest on the entire balance for that day.
Interest will be paid on the last calendar day of the month and reflected on your account statement on the first day of the following month.